Expondo as Verdades SOMBRIAS das Testemunhas de Jeova

Expondo as Verdades SOMBRIAS das Testemunhas de Jeova [Music] I was raised Jehovah's Witness are you still a Jehovah's Witness no how come you'd get kind of like kicked out and your family couldn't talk to you if you.

Expondo as Verdades SOMBRIAS das Testemunhas de Jeova

Sends too hard so did you get kicked [Music] out well Jesus they believe is not fully God fully man they believe that he's a powerful deity but he was created as the.

Archangel Michael and they believe the Holy Spirit isn't a person he's just a force you do not have a soul inside you now you also just have a life force but you do not have a soul.

That's a problem furthermore they do not believe in the Trinity they believe that salvation is by works they believe that people will be annihilated there's no eternal hell okay there's six do I know.

Every distinctive about Jehovah's Witnesses is is is is no but I don't need to neither do you Lauren you grew up in the Bible Belt were you trained based on the Bible or some other.

Religious system I was raised Jehovah's Witness is that right are you still a Jehovah's Witness no how come I just didn't agree with the way things would happen you'd get kind of like kicked out.

And your family couldn't talk to you if you sinned too hard and I didn't like to see some of my friends go through that wow so did you get kicked out no I didn't I was never baptized oh okay so.

I'm not like familiar with the details if you're a baptized Jehovah's Witness and you don't maintain their theology they can kick you out and separate you from your family it's called.

Disfellowshipping so if you get disfellowshipped your family's not supposed to talk to you unless it's like they have to or work rated things and it's in a way they say it's out of love.

So you'll come back to the organization but I just didn't see that as very Christian or loving so yeah okay I'm I'm a Christian so I'm thinking that's that's something we would call church.

Discipline but it wouldn't separate family it would keep families together it wouldn't divide them but you're saying Jehovah's Witnesses you can't talk or your family shouldn't talk to.

You m yikes okay so is your family Jehovah's Witness no what what happened one of our family friends is really close to us he's about my brother's age this happened to him and we just didn't.

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    Like what was happening and we all kind

    Of just drifted apart from it and it was just my mom My Brother and Me growing up so are you practicing any Religion Today not really do you believe in God I do.

    Who do you think God is the ruler of the world I do believe in a Creator and so I believe that there has to be a God or a central point so I believe in one Almighty I guess do you have a name for.

    That Almighty is it Christian Muslim Buddhist it's Christian God so the Bible would be your source of knowledge and information yes so how does one in your opinion become a Christian D by the way.

    Thought of another C tenant distinctive false teaching of Jehovah's Witness is you've got to call god Jehovah if you call God God if you call God Father Like Jesus did if you use any of the biblical.

    Names for the Lord like Adonai that's forb according to the Jehovah's Witnesses only Jehovah will do so how does one in your opinion become a Christian they start practicing a.

    Christian lifestyle studying the word and getting saved or baptized okay what does that mean to just be kind of reborn into your faith with Jesus can you just give me some details on that what does.

    That look like I don't know so let's say Lauren I approached you and I said I understand you're a Christian I'd like to be a Christian too first of all tell me why I should become a Christian and.

    Then tell me how I become a Christian I'm not very Christian myself like so I don't really know how to answer this okay so you said something I think you said something like you've got.

    To be born again did you use that phrase yeah I did what what does that mean it was just like I guess getting rid of your old lifestyle and transforming into someone that walks With God all right.

    I'm a Christian so let's just say you're

    Not a Christian and you ask me those questions okay this is this is what I would say I would say I agree with you there's a Creator because there's a.

    Creation I know that something Transcendent exists because we have morals that we agree on so there must be a moral lawgiver so I've I've intuited God exists now I believe that God is.

    Revealed in the Bible and the Bible reveals something that's kind of hard for us to swallow it says nobody does good know not one that every single person breaks God's laws they don't meet.

    His standard of Hol and Perfection he hates all violations of his law so like lying and stealing cheating lusting they're all sins and he dislikes it because he's so holy because we've.

    Broken God's laws we deserve death Everlasting punishment because God is that holy and righteous and just but God is rich in Mercy and he wants to demonstrate how.

    Loving and kind he is and he did that by sending his son Jesus Christ to die for sinners in other words Jesus Took the punishment that you and I deserve when he died on the cross so that our court.

    Case with the judge could be dismissed you and I have broken God's laws Jesus Paid our fine totally forgiven debt-free and even granted his righteousness so that you and I can be adopted into God's.

    Family and then I would say in order to be forgiven by God you must repent turn from your sins not in Perfection but because you don't want to do those things because your God had to die for.

    You for those things and you put your trust in Jesus Christ that's what the Bible describes as being born again you move from Death to life from Darkness to light that's what I would say to you.

    What do you think of that it's probably a better answer all right so let me ask you a question then the repenting and putting your trust in Jesus have you done that no huh how come I don't know I.

    Just haven't I guess done it or been really interested in doing it well I bumped into you providentially today maybe something to think about today that if you're not forgiven God will.

    Give you what you deserve hell but he offers you everlasting life in his son that's biblical Christianity and Lauren if you've never heard that it's really good news that's not what Jehovah's.

    Witnesses teach but that's what the Bible teaches something for you to think about today huh I will good morning heathens I'm your teacher Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr.

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