Regras Para Interpretar a Bíblia - Paulo Junior

Regras Para Interpretar a Bíblia - Paulo Junior Now just a few rules of how to interpret, But pastor: all that you said does not take the credibility of the Bible? -No, don't take it off. Because in the fundamental points the Bible does not disagree with itself, The Bible doesn't contradict itself, The Bible is infallible, and inerrantly inspired..

Regras Para Interpretar a Bíblia - Paulo Junior

Because God in his sovereignty preserved her. Rules for interpreting. How I interpret it then! There is a Latin phrase that has become very famous in the Protestant reform; That was one of the main means that they interpreted the Bible; When reading This Latin term is: “Orare et labutare”.

“Orare et labutare” Pray and Toil! Pray and work! Why Pray? Because the Bible is divine. It was God who wrote it, and I need the light of the Holy Spirit to interpret it. I need discernment, the impulse of the Holy Spirit. Because the Bible is divine..

It was God who wrote it and I need to know it. and "labutare" Because the Bible has grammar, it was written with the alphabet, with lyrics. There's a story! She's human. She needs to be interpreted..

Then I pray for God to give me discernment. Give me Light, But I work. I read comments, I do exegesis, I read the version in Greek and in the Hebrew. I work hard in interpretation. So this was one of the ways the people of the reform used to interpret the Bible. Prayer and study. "Orare et labutare".

Then we should do the same thing. It's no use only praying to ask God to talk to us or show us. No You need to have comments, dictionary, history... You need to fight hard! Because otherwise you'll be mystical. However, only the toil is not good..

Because if you only toil, toil... You'll become a critic, a dry, cold, empty, withered theologian where everything is relativized. Why Pray?, why fast?, why sanctify yourself? It becomes all relativized. So it's orthodoxy and mercy. Pray et toile..

Second, Rules for interpreting. First it's prayer and study. Second, I must know the subject, The plot of the Bible, Before reading, if I read with the perspective of the central theme,.

I'm going to have a closer interpretation than God wants to talk about. So before you read this book: What is the main theme? What's the plot? What's the plot? What's the backbone of this book? The central message of the Bible is the story of redemption. What God does for man through death, burial,.

Resurrection, ascension and exaltation of his son. So I read Genesis 1.1 until Revelation 22 Knowing that the main plot of that book He will go through the stories, he will pass through the prophets, will arrive in the Apostles, There on the island of Patmos.

Christ! God doing a work for his people through Christ. Thus, you will read and interpret properly in the light of the main theme. Third, How to interpret, rules to interpret the Bible..

The Bible is your best interpreter! This is fantastic, that's what the (bear) likes, isn't it? The Bible is your best interpreter! What does that mean? Easier texts interpret more difficult texts..

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    The Bible is its own interpreter. What do you mean?

    Pastor, what about the Pythia of Endo? Pythia... She saw Samuel... Know? Everyone: And the Pitonisia of Endo? What's the problem? ... and sometimes you don't even know her!.

    Saul went consult a sorceress to summon the spirit of Samuel. Samuel was the last of the judges. Judge, Prophet and priest. He judged at the time of the reign of the first king: Saul And Saul was dependent on him. But Samuel dies, Saul desperate to seek a word decides to consult a guess... a psychic... a witch..

    And there, And who appears there is Samuel. And the Bible says: Samuel?! So it's a text that gives indications pertaining to spiritism. Right? Samuel reincarnated appeared. It was a psychic session..

    It's a hard text! There are ways to interpret him, But I go to others easier, the Bible supports spiritualism? No! Hebrews 9.27 "The man is ordained to die once and then come the judgement." That clarifies about Spiritism. And that's final..

    Deuteronomy 18.10-11 Do not be among you who consults the dead, nor who is necromancer, nor soothsayers. He who does such a thing is an abomination to God. Okay, God is saying that Spiritism is an abomination. Easier texts! Texts that clarify..

    Oh but what about the images,pastor? and Maria? No, there are clarify texts! So, The Bible is your best interpreter! Easier texts interpret more difficult texts..

    So there's no need to be fighting about... with the Pythia "Is there or is there not that principle?" There are other texts... that Jesus... God condemns spiritism..

    So, rules for interpreting. The Old Testament is interpreted in the light of the New Testament. How do you interpret the Old Testament? You need to have the New Testament concept in your heart, For example: In our concept for what purpose is the sacrifice? Shall we exclude the Old Testament? No.

    But how are we going to use it? You're going to offer an animal here? No, Will you reserve yourself on some day of the week? No, are you going to do that or that? No. What does the writer of the Hebrew book say? That the Old Testament, the ceremonial law, the rituals, were shadows of the things that were coming..

    I interpret the ancient in the light of the incarnation of the "Verb".

    "The Pascal Lamb", Christ "The sacrifice being offered on a wooden skewer." Death on the cross. The ceremonial laws are pointing to the moral laws. From the New Testament..

    So I interpret the old in the light of the new, OK? Because there are customs, there are circumstances in the Old Testament that are no longer used. The writer says that such practices have entered into expiry, in obsolescence They finished... The order Levitical ended in the year 70.

    When the temple was destroyed by Tito. And now it's an order according to Melchizedek. So you interpret the old in the light of the new. With all the convergence in the work and the Person of Christ. and the Apostles..

    And that's how you should read it. I'm finishing, Another rule to interpret the Bible; The text expressed exactly what the author wants to talk about. Isn't that interesting?.

    The Pentecostals and the Charismatics for example speak things that have nothing to do with the texts. What does the text refer to? What the author wants to talk about! So I take into account the historical backdrop, Why did Paul preach that in the Areopagus? The God who made the heavens and the earth,.

    Is not served by human hands As needing anything, And He doesn't even dwell in temples made by human hands. It comes the air and the breath. In it we move, we dress and live. What did the author mean? I'm going to use this here to create a doctrine? No..

    Paul is making a creationist speech, he's going on Areopagus He's in Athens. He's in the capital of idolatry, He is in the Greek-Macedonian context, There was no belief in a single God, nor in a monotheistic religion..

    Of a God Triune, Paul then was not talking about Jesus but of creation. Then I will know what Paul... The text expressed exactly what Paulo wants to talk about. He will prove to them that there is only one God,.

    Who is the creator of the heavens and the earth, Until you get to the part about Jesus. The natural sense should be observed instead of the figure. What do you mean? Every time you read,.

    You should be aware of the literal, natural sense. It is he who should be observed, for example, Anyone who doesn't believe will be launched in hell. "Hell is figurative, it doesn't exist." No, always opt for the literal and natural sense..

    Hell is hell! Just opt for the figurative direction when it is explicit, "I am the Door", You read in the literal sense and says: Jesus is a door, But Jesus is not a door and much less has doorknob,.

    He's in the figurative sense, he's saying that he's the way He's the method in which I can reach God The door However, whenever you read, opt for the natural sense. But why? Because our generation ruined the interpretation.

    The Pentecostal only interpret Figuratively. It's all figuratively. "Here the foot is not foot and wine is not wine" "Here Jesus did not tire, here didn't mean that Jesus sounded blood" They define everything figuratively. But it's in the natural sense..

    It's literally. and lastly, The text must be interpreted in the light of its context. In the light of your context. What does that mean?.

    Text without context is pretesting for heresy! What else generates a sect, a mistake? The person is preaching, He's evangelizing, teaching, he's writing a book and he's using the Bible, But you're using a text out of your context..

    What is context? The context is the preceding and subsequent verses to the text. They will be who defines what the text is saying. Then never translate a text Out of your context. What is context again? It's like this:.

    John 3.16 "Because God loved the world in such a way..." What's the context? Who said that? Jesus, Who did he say that to? Nicodemus, Who was Nicodemus? A prince of the Pharisees..

    At what epoch was that text said? So you'll get to the right interpretation. Never interpret a text out of context. For example in a text that many interpret the wrong way: Hebrews 12.15 ... "That no roots of bitterness, budding, deprive you of the grace of God," and continue....

    See, you didn't greet the brother, now he's rooted for bitterness. See, You spoke coldly with him and now he's hurt. There's a blockade between you now. That's not what the text means. It's got nothing to do with it. Root of bitterness there is.

    Worship Other gods and think you will have peace with God. But how do you know that? Because of the context, the Hebrew writer It was versed in the Old Testament. He had a lot of knowledge about the Torah..

    He used a text from Deuteronomy 29.18 that the Israelites were worshipping other gods, and hoped to have peace with God. That is, the text is talking about apostasy..

    Root of bitterness means apostasy. Beware not to stray from the truth, be careful not to worship other gods. Thinking that God will approve them. and end up getting infected more. The writer makes a mention to Esau that swapped his birthright for a dish of lentils..

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