"Cristo Não Está em Todos os Lugares" - Jeffrey Johnson

"Cristo Não Está em Todos os Lugares" - Jeffrey Johnson [Music] you have to understand that church is the temple of God it's the New Covenant temple in 1 Timothy 3:14-15 it.

Says it's called the household of God the church is where Christ dwells on Earth and if you wanted to meet someone you go to their.

House where they dwell and live and where does Christ live on earth he lives with his people you see in the Old Testament Solomon and King.

David King David wanted to build God a house and God told David that he would not build a house but his son would and we know that King Sol the son of David did build a.

Temple but this real house is not built by Solomon it's built by Jesus Christ 2 Samuel 72-4.

Says so Christ is the one who builds this Temple but he doesn't build it out of physical stones and rocks but according to first first.

Peter he builds the Temple out of Living Stones he's going to construct a household of God out of his people and this is why first Peter 2:5 tells us that we are the Temple of the.

Living God now you know that individually that you are the Temple of the Living God that Christ dwells in in your heart if you're a.

Believer but in a greater way when all the people of God are come together we are being built up together as the household of God and so just as you do have the.

Presence of Christ in you at all times the presence of Christ is is manifested in a greater way in the local church where do you want to find the presence of.

God you want to have a relationship with Christ you want to be next to Christ you want to see Christ you want to experience Christ you don't go to the market.

You don't go into the world Christ is not in the market now he's at all places because he's omnipresent but his manifested.

    Presence is in the

    Church and if you want to experience Christ you go to church so collectively we are built together as the as the Temple of the.

    Living God if you want to love Christ if you want to see Christ you go where Christ is located this is why the weakest.

    Church is better than no church you may be critical of your church but if there are two or three Christians in that group group it's better than you being alone.

    By yourself the psalmist said in Psalm 27:4 there's one thing I've asked of the Lord that I will seek after I want this above all.

    Things I want to dwell in the household of God I want to be next to Christ I love him being next to him is better than anything else in.

    Life one day in his courts is better than a thousand Elsewhere One Sunday at church where Christ dwells is better than all the days at.

    The football stadium amen amen but we don't look for Christ we're critical of the church we don't see the beauty of his.

    Presence do you know the weakest Christian the one that irritates you but who's a True Believer has Christ dwelling in.

    [Music] him do you not need Christ that one believer who has the presence of Christ in.

    Him is more

    Precious more valuable than billions of people without Christ it would be better to spend one day with that weak.

    Christian than with hundreds of non-believers at the football stadium amen amen I'm talking about the Christian you.

    Don't like has something precious inside is a child of God how few are the children of God in this.

    World love the Saints don't be so critical of them value them there's gold inside there's Christ.

    Inside there's life inside there's truth inside no matter of all the era and all the problems there's still something.

    Precious inside that person it's better to be with the person who has Christ because that person brings the.

    Presence of Christ with them if you love Jesus then you'll love wherever Jesus is located this is the beauty of the church it's Christ the glory is.

    Christ it's not the person it's not the singing It's not the programs the glory of the church is the presence of the living.

    Christ this is where he dwells on Earth this is where he's located where is Jesus I want to find him then I go to church and experience him there with his.

    People this is the glory of the church second the glory of the church is its power it's where God's power is.

    Located the church is the supernatural work of God wherever you find a true church you see something that is Supernatural Jesus says I will build my.

    Church a lot of people can build an organization a lot of false churches know how to get the people to come just because there's people doesn't mean it's a.

    Church the Catholic church is not the church a lot of the churches in this world is not the true church unbelievers can build a group of.

    Religious worshippers but only Jesus builds the church because it's a supernatural work one thing I've learned over my Ministry I can preach my heart.

    Out for people to come to the Lord I can reason come flee from the Wrath to come there is a Salvation in Jesus Christ I can say that all day.

    Long with all the passion and desire but you know what I can't do I can save no one I can't take the word from here into here I can't impart the new.

    Birth I cannot regenerate anyone can get people to come to my building I might can get them to walk the aisle I might can get a lot of false.

    Professions I get people baptized but I can't save anyone I can't do it you can't do.

    It none of us can only the Lord regenerates Souls only the Lord brings life out of death when someone comes to Christ it's a new.

    Birth Miracle it's a supernatural work of God because the church is the power of God when you see the church you're seeing the work of God on.

    Earth it's not manmade It's Supernatural this is the glory of the church it's the work of God on Earth.

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