HOW TO BE A FAITHFUL CHRISTIAN Hernandes Dias Lopes Sermon subtitled in eight languages IPP

HOW TO BE A FAITHFUL CHRISTIAN Hernandes Dias Lopes Sermon subtitled in eight languages IPP My beloved, we went to open the word of God In the Letter to the Hebrews Letter to the Hebrews, Chapter Thirteen and we'll read until verse twenty-two. Hebrew the thirteen verses of one, twenty-two. Once you've read the text, keep your Bible open. Please, it is written with me so that brotherly love may be constant..

HOW TO BE A FAITHFUL CHRISTIAN Hernandes Dias Lopes Sermon subtitled in eight languages IPP

Don't neglect hospitality, because some, practicing it without knowing it, Did they welcome angels Remember the incarcerated, as if imprisoned with them, of those who suffer the most mistreatment, as if with effect yourselves, In person you were the mistreated, worthy of honor among all, be it a marriage as well as a bed, without blemish, Because God will judge the impure and adulterous be your life without greed..

I told you about the things you have, Why has he said it in no way I'll leave you I'll never ever abandon you like this, Affirm confidently, the Lord is my help, I will not be afraid, what the man can do to me. Remember your guides, who preached the Word of God to you and carefully considering the end of his life, Imitate and the faith that Jesus Christ had yesterday and today is the same and will be so forever. Do not let yourselves be enveloped by various and strange doctrines..

What it's worth is having your heart confirmed with grace and not with food, because they never had profits that they cared about it. We have an altar where those who minister in the tabernacle have no right to eat, Because those animals whose blood is brought into the Holy of Holies by the high priest with ablation for sin, His body is burned outside the camp. That is also why Jesus, in order to sanctify the people by his own blood,.

Suffered outside the door. So we took him out of the camp, taking his vitupération. Actually, we don't have a permanent city here, but we are looking for the one that will come through Jesus, because let us always offer a sacrifice of praise to God, which is the fruit of lips that profess its name. I do not also say faithful to the practice of good and to mutual cooperation, Because with such sacrifices God buys you, obey your guides and be submissive to them, for they watch over your soul, as who must be accountable so that they do this with joy and not moan,.

Why or because this does not benefit you others Pray for us because we are persuaded that we have a good conscience, desiring to live with dignity in all things. I earnestly beg you to do so. so that I may be restored to you more quickly. Now, the God of Peace, who brought Jesus our Lord from the dead again, the Great Shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal Covenant, Improve them in every way to fulfill your will, operating in voice,.

What is pleasing before him through Jesus Christ, to whom may the glory be forever and ever. Amen. Rovos still Brothers that I have endured the present word of encouragement all the more so as I wrote to you. Briefly. Amen. I would like to meditate with you on the following topic: How to Be a Faithful Believer outside the gates of religiosity? How to be a faithful believer outside the gates of religiosity? We all know that he accepts the Hebrews, is the hermeneutical key to understanding the Old Testament..

This letter is the compliment of all the rituals, sacrifices, festivals, and options that were made there in the Old Testament. There, shade here. Reality The author is the Hebrews, He has a great thesis and his thesis is that Jesus it's better because it's the fulfillment of the Old Testament promises..

He's better than the prophets. He's better than the angels. He's better than Moses. He's better than Aaron. He's better than Joshua. The sacrifice he performed on the cross is better than the sacrifices. Leviticus The New Covenant in its blood is superior to the Old Covenant neither is Christ. Then the Old Testament promises are fulfilled. Why did the author still write this letter he wrote a to encourage the church that was being persecuted..

Chapter ten says that the believers were being despoiled. Their assets were being kidnapped and the believers were walking as strangers and pilgrims under intense and relentless persecution. Then a fact happened. Many believers who graduated from Judaism to Christianity, because of the persecution, they were packing their bags back to Judaism, afraid of suffering the sanctions of bitter and harsh persecution..

So the author Hebrews writes to say the following: go back to Judaism, to have embraced Christianity is to go back into the shadows, Is it to commit crazy, It's about leaving reality and still going back to the shadows. Jesus is the fulfillment of the law. Jesus is better And now, The big problem Do you have to go back to this old religion It was to come back For the religious between walls, between four walls.

And Christianity Is it the religion of the Way and not the religion of the four walls. Christianity was thus called the religion of the way six times, those of the way. We are the ones who live, the Christian life outside the four walls, outside the religious structure, on the street, in the squares, on the beaches, in cemeteries, in the home, in the offices wherever you are, there is the presence of the Christian life..


    So to return to this structure was to go backwards, to reverse.

    If you stop to notice, Jesus spent most of his ministry. Outside the gate of Jewish religiosity, he called his apostles on a beach. Many of them called another one to a collection, Jesus attended the banquets. Jesus performed the first miracle at a wedding party. Jesus went to a cemetery to free a man in process. Jesus walks outside the gate into the secular world..

    What's curious is that when Jesus was inside the gates, he faced opposition. That's why the question came from where your authority comes from. How do you break the Saturday rules? and he faced controversy. And then they decided to arrest Condemn him, crucify him, But Jesus, how should you and I live the Christian life Outside the gates you find Jesus on the street. You find Jesus inside your house..

    Do you find Jesus within your college? You find Jesus inside your hospital. You find it in your office, you find Jesus in the dynamics of life. And that's why the Bible says he died outside the gates, in the territory of the secular, on Golgotha, outside that structure between four walls. And so we must also live our Christian life. Holiness is experienced outside. I can come to the temple,.

    I can attend the supper, but that will be of no value to me. If outside the gates, my life is completely divorced, of what I profess inside the gates, It's outside that we're going to have the confrontations. It's out there that we're going to be persecuted. It is outside that we are going to proclaim the Gospel. It is outside that we are going to live the Christian life. So how do you live a godly Christian life, outside the gates? I would like to bring some thoughts here. First.

    It's outside that you need to have a right relationship with your neighbor. Take a look at the first verse with me Let brotherly love be constant. The word love here is not the word agape, What is the most common word used in the New Testament for love, is sacrificial love. The word here is Philadelphia and Philadelphia is you love your neighbor. How do you love a blood brother How do you love a blood brother? You love, why is your brother.

    Do you love? Despite the problems, the defects, Of the problems he's experiencing, You love is your blood. You must love your brother with the same intensity with the same nature. What do you love a blood brother with. Secondly, it shows the issue of hospitality. Look at verse number two. Don't neglect hospitality, for some practicing so I know, they welcomed angels. It is necessary to understand the context. At that time there were no pensions, there were no hotels, there were no shelters,.

    The pensions they had were few, they were dirty, They were poorly spoken and yet the preachers had no right place to stay. They walked, they walked. They preached here, there and there, and these brothers then housed these people experiencing difficulties and you they realized that believers were being persecuted, their possessions plundered and they were strangers, so they opened their hearts, they opened their house, they opened their pockets, they opened their home to receive and in this story like Abraham, sometimes angels stayed, because God's angels can assume a human figure.

    And all of a sudden, without knowing who was hosting, ended up hosting God's own angels in their home. But note compassion in third place. This is how we should live. Verse three Consider, for carefully verse three Remember those who are incarcerated, how to be trapped with them by those who suffer mistreatment, as if in fact, Which ones were mistreated even in person? Let's understand here that the context here is not of that prisoner who killed someone who stole from someone who got corrupted and sold his conscience for profit for the fur,.

    By, by the ease. No. The prisoners here were the persecuted Christians and those brothers who, by virtue of their faith, they had been mistreated, were arrested and incarcerated. And the author Al Hebreus says that you should remember these people more than that, as if you were in their place, you must remember those who suffer mistreatment. As a result, you, even with these mistreated people. Identification, solidarity..

    Compassion means sympathizing with the person, helping them, helping them.

    A Christian cannot be an alienated person. A person who lives and sees the other suffer. And it doesn't do anything. N Don't feel anything and don't reach out. And it doesn't open the home. It doesn't open the house, it doesn't open its pocket to help. So, second place, How can you live the Christian life outside the gates? According to having a holy marital relationship, look at verse four with me, Marriage, as well as bed, without tarnishing, is worthy of honor among all..

    Of course, the word leito in the Portuguese language, we all know, means bed, the place where you sleep. But the word here in the Greek is not bed, is the word COT. Where does the word coitus come from. Sexual intercourse? What Paul What is the author? The best Hebrews is saying is that the relationship between a husband and a woman must be a relationship of fidelity and respect, Of purity that the marital bed cannot be tainted by pornography..

    That a couple does not need any stimulus from outside the couple in the marital bed to have a good and blessed sexual relationship. What he's saying is that marriage is worthy of the honor that God institutes. marriage and that God established rules and rules for this marriage to be fully happy. But still in third place. How can the Church live outside the gates as a testimony? Having a right relationship with money? You see verse five and six With me you can read verses five and six with one voice with me,.

    Let's go together, be your life without greed. I told you the things you have because he You have said in no way will I ever leave you. I will never abandon you like this, confidently affirm, the Lord is my help, I will not be afraid, that he can make the man. Understand this in a context of persecution, where their assets are being looted, plundered and taken by force. And you need to get out of your house, let your work wander around the world..

    And yet he says the following: His life cannot be governed by avarice, what is avarice, Is the person who wants and wants more and wants more and wants more and you want for yourself and only for you and you are never satisfied, never demonstrates what we sing here. Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude to the house you live in. Gratitude for the car you drive, gratitude for the robe, that you are grateful for the support of the bread, of your table. Gratitude to God without gratitude My brothers No matter how much you have, will you be dissatisfied?.

    Let's go to fourth principle. Fourth Principle: Do you live a happy life in this world outside the gate? Yeah, you can't throw away the spiritual legacy you received, look with me, Please verse seven. You can read the seven with me Let's go together, Remember your guides, who preached the Word of God to you and carefully considered the end of their lives, Give me the faith they had. We're all here today, because one day someone invested in our spiritual life, be it our father, our mother,.

    Our grandparents someone one day preached the Gospel to us, this Church that celebrates one hundred and eighteen years. We had many men of God, women of God, in the past, who preached, who taught Who brought this Church to where Pastor Orival took over this church over twenty years ago. They're looking back returning to their parents, who left a legacy.

    And he's saying the following remember these people don't play? Apart from that legacy, be thankful for the leaders who have led the Church so far. He is grateful for those who taught us the first steps of faith, Who bequeathed this rich heritage to us And it says more than What to remind him to carefully disregard the end of his life. Imitate the faith they had, you don't have to climb on the shoulders of the giants. We only got here because brothers brought the Church here with gratitude, I must remember them and imitate their example..

    Now, more than that, fifth place For you to have a victorious life outside the gate, you need to remember that you have an unchanging frame of reference, verse eight. Read with me all together Jesus Christ yesterday and today is the same and will be the same forever. Now, I need you to read verse nine with me. Because that verse eight is like a kind of sandwich within two different realities. I read nine. With me, not the desire to envelop various strange doctrines,.

    For what it's worth is the heart confirmed with grace and not with food, because those who worried about it never benefited. What's going on here? First of all, remember of those who brought you the Gospel. Be careful, Be careful not to be seduced by false doctrines by false teachers by doctrines foreign to the Scriptures. We all know that the Church must continually watch, watch, and watch.

    How many of us no longer know about churches that used to they were faithful and suddenly strayed from the path and they suddenly listened to new doctrines and suddenly have lost the originality of the integrity of fidelity to the scriptures. So, author Gabriel, the following looks, Look back and I see the ones that brought you here, be careful going forward, so that you don't get sidetracked, because you have a model, an example, a paradigm that never changed, that will never change, That it will not suffer any wind of doctrine who will suffer any pressure or seduction..

    This one is the same as yesterday. This one is the same today, this one was the same tomorrow. This is Jesus, he is the same. Yesterday it's the same today, he is forever the same and the Church will look It's for Jesus it's for Jesus, it's for Jesus. Gratitude for the leaders. Beware of the future, because we follow a single absolute unchanging example, that never changed, that will never change. He is the absolute truth of God Look at Jesus, look at Jesus! Look at Jesus But now For you to live a full life outside the gate.

    He will return to the subject in verse fourteen and no to fourteen, he will say be fully aware of the transience of his life. Read fourteen With Me Let's Go Together. Actually, we don't have a permanent city here, but we're looking for the one that's to come. Do you know what he's saying? here? You face pressure. Here you face persecution. Here you face loss here. Someone can put you in a prison here..

    You may be misspoken here. You may be criticized, but this is not your home, here is not your home here it is not your homeland here you are a pilgrim. Here you are an outsider, here you are passing through. We walked to a city that is permanent. Actually, we're looking for that city to come, He's talking about what he's talking about the new Jerusalem. He's talking about heaven he's talking about paradise. He's talking about his father's house, he's saying that we're passing through here,.

    We're going to our permanent place, so don't put your heart here. So don't plant root here. So don't settle down here to the point where you think it's just that And right here, here we are living here. We're testifying here we're preaching here we're leading message here We are experiencing God's grace, but we are moving towards a permanent and eternal city. It's heaven, there is our homeland, there is our home, there is our heritage..

    Mas now, in this world of persecution and struggle, because that's the context of the chapter, you will still find yourself in seventh place, another truth boldly confesses the name of Christ through the sacrifice of praise. Look at verse fifteen with me we will read together, through Jesus, because let us always offer a sacrifice of praise to God, which is the fruit of lips that confesses its name. Do I confess your name? In what context? Under what circumstance? Because sometimes my brothers we confess the name of Jesus in a spiritual camp,.

    At a revival-building conference. Then you are overcome by strong emotions, by unspeakable joys. and it's good that you do. But what about when does oppression come? And when does the enemy arrive? And when injustice prevails What about when your assets are not respected and when your life is debased? And when you get ripped out of your house.

    And lose your feet? What do you do? He murmurs complains? He rises up against God. In this context, he is saying: “You are going to offer God a sacrifice of praise. What he's saying is that praise is not the fruit of circumstance. He is above and beyond the circumstance.

    That no matter what situation is going to happen in your life, that will affect your life that will affect your home, you are going to offer God a sacrifice of praise. This is the sacrifice that God desires, while those believers were being tempted and seduced to return to Judaism for the practices of sacrifices. There Vete Testament, Testament, and Leviticus. No, no, no, that's not the sacrifice God wants most. That sacrifice has already accomplished its mission. Now he fulfilled it without Christ. Now, Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world..

    Now there's no more killing of lambs now It no longer has the works of the Old Testament. Now, you can bring God a sacrifice of praise, fruits and lips that confess their name, despite the struggles. Despite the persecution, despite the adversities, you keep confessing the name of the Lord. You don't give up proclaiming the name of Jesus, it doesn't matter what circumstance you're experiencing from that sacrifice. God is pleased, But still see you in eighth place,.

    That God wants another sacrifice from the Church. Okay. In verse number sixteen, read sixteen with me, please, do not also neglect the practice of good and mutual cooperation, because with such sacrifices, God is pleased, offer sacrifices of generosity to God. In a context where brothers are being plundered, persecuted strangers around the world. He's saying the following: Open your hand, help your brother, help, your brother..

    Bless your brother. Don't neglect Don't neglect doing good, Don't neglect mutual cooperation. Do you know why? Because God is pleased with such sacrifices to those who were being tempted to return to Judaism, to offer him animals, work and I mean no, this has already been fulfilled in Christ, but now you can make a sacrifice that will please God. First confess his name Praise him and second, put your hand in your pocket and help your brother,.

    Who is experiencing difficulty and the need for this sacrifice. God is pleased, buts ultimately ninth place. The author is telling us if you want to live a Christian life outside the gates that will please God, you must obey your spiritual leaders. Let's read verses to seventeen please At nineteen Read with me. Please let's read it together. Obey your guides to be submissive to them, because they watch over your soul,.

    As someone who must be held accountable so that they do this out of joy and not moan. Because that doesn't make the most of it. You others pray for us, because we are persuaded that we have a good conscience, desiring, in all things, to live with dignity. I urge you with great commitment to do so so that I can be returned faster. So let's understand a few things here, my brothers, What the text is saying now, it's not looking back anymore. He's not thanking the leaders.

    Founders, the parents who denied an example No. Now you're talking about who's taking care of the church at the moment. and he's saying to believers like this, obey your guides and yield the submissive to them. In other words, the authority of leadership is not the authority that is inherent to it. It is authority delegated by God to her, As well as The parents exercise leadership over their children,.

    Because God delegated that authority to parents, when a child rebels against his parents. They're not rebelling the penalty against their parents. They are rebelling against God Himself, who established their parents as authority over them. Likewise in the Church. When a church member rebels against your spiritual leadership and don't submit, doesn't obey. It is rising up against the very God who established that leadership..

    And I tell you again, you are not the authority on I know because the authority of the leader is in the word. As long as that authority is faithful to the Scriptures, it must be obeyed and submitted to it. Why does he say because they watch over your soul. Hey, that's the trait of a pastor. He takes care of the flock and cares about the flock, He watches over the FLOCK, This concern for the sheep weighs heavy on his heart..

    And now he warns her. One thing he not only watches, but he is accountable. So that this leader does this work with joy, not moaning. It's a burden. Because that doesn't make the most of it. You, others you and I know Pastor Eval you know so many colleagues, So many shepherds in Brazil that they are hurt, that they are hurt, that they have lost their physical and emotional health,.

    Because the sheep massacred the shepherd a few days ago, playing a little. Now I asked a colleague how there was a large church in Brazil. I was looking for a pastor and I asked you so and so don't you go there, he participated in the ministry of that great church. I said don't the sheep there bite the shepherd. Are there sheep that bite the shepherd I have to see that you think that the more he is heavy with the pastor,.

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